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First Words Sampler




参数:11.00 M / iOS 5.0+  


       要说最适合宝宝初学单词的方法,莫过于让宝宝自己一边认识单词一边写出,同时配以图片来帮助宝宝更好的理解单词的含义。 这些虽说可以通过书本来得以实现,但书本不管如何丰富多彩,其枯燥乏味的一面总会在一段时间之后显露出来。 今天小编要为大家推荐的这款FirstWords: Sampler,就是考虑了宝宝初学单词的过程中可能遇到的问题而设计的,通过音效和互动游戏吸引宝宝的注意力。
       接下来看看它的学习方式吧。 例如,猫。屏幕上会出现一只可爱小猫咪的照片,然后软件会发出“喵喵”的叫声,屏幕下方会出现三张字母卡片“A”、“T”、“C”,就是单词“CAT”打乱顺序后的结果,宝宝需要把这三张字母卡片按照正确的顺序放在一起组成“CAT”这一单词。 也许,大家会说这其实没什么神奇的啊。哈哈,神奇之处就在于它充分的考虑到了初学单词的宝宝根本不认识单词,所以在屏幕中间出现了阴影的“CAT”来加以提示,宝宝只需要把下面的三个字母卡片放进屏幕中间的阴影就OK了,操作非常简单易上手。
      这款免费版的FirstWords: Sampler包含3张动物卡片和3张交通工具卡片,如果想要获取更多,可以通过购买完全版来加以实现,不过免费版对于体验已经完全能满足需求。 宝宝快到开始学习单词的年龄了?试试这个吧,给宝宝启蒙简单的英语单词。


短评: More than just a game, First Words Sampler is a powerful educational tool for toddlers and preschoolers. It provides hours of fun wh...

More than just a game, First Words Sampler is a powerful educational tool for toddlers and preschoolers. It provides hours of fun while giving your child a head start on learning about letters and words.

If your child is old enough to ask for your phone, they're old enough for First Words Sampler!

First Words Sampler teaches kids about letters, how letters relate to sounds, and even how to spell words. First Words Sampler is toddler-tested and approved, with a user-interface designed specifically for the littlest of fingers. The game includes beautiful illustrations, each matched with entertaining sounds and high-quality recordings of letters and words.

Kids can play the game by themselves, but they also enjoy bringing their adults along, talking about the animals, saying the names of the letters, and watching the pictures spin around and sound off.

This free application is a sampling of words selected from our highly rated paid apps, First Words Animals and First Words Deluxe. We've also included some words from our Spanish, German, Japanese and French First Words apps. If you like First Words Sampler, you can keep your toddler laughing and learning with the full paid applications.

Note: We love getting feedback and hearing stories about kids using our software. Leave a comment in iTunes and send us feedback at learningtouch.com. Tell us what you'd like to see us do next.  



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