乌龙学院英语学习的宗旨概述为六个字:背短语 + 知时事。这六个字对大学及以上 所有难度的课程都适用。不管你是大学生还是上班族,是准备过四六级还是考托福雅思亦或是 准备 BEC 中高级,掌握了这...
乌龙学院英语学习的宗旨概述为六个字:背短语 + 知时事。这六个字对大学及以上 所有难度的课程都适用。不管你是大学生还是上班族,是准备过四六级还是考托福雅思亦或是 准备 BEC 中高级,掌握了这六个字你就开启了一把通往英语学习成功阶梯的钥匙。快来下载 乌龙学院大学英语阅读精讲吧,感受一下这六个字的魅力。更多学习内容尽在乌龙学院 !(所有学习内容由英语主编牛犇犇负责制作:牛牛出品,品质保障)
Wulong Academy summarizes the knack of learning English in six words: recite phrases plus know current events. Those six words can be applied to all English levels above senior high. Whether you are a college student or a office worker, preparing for CET 4, CET 6 or TOFEL and IELTS, eager to learn BEC-V or BEC H, once you master the essence of these six words, you own the key to successful English learning. Come and download the READING PACKAGE OF CET COURSES from Wulong Academy. Feel the charm of these six words and learn English.
For more exciting learning materials, pls log on to www. wulongonline.com! (All English content is produced by English chief editor 牛犇犇:Published by Niu Niu, providing perfect quality for long last application.)
1 精心编写、图文并茂的阅读教材
2 结合时事热点,贴近生活
3 包含多达36个阅读单元,适合从学生到上班族各类人士需求
4 《乌龙学院》同步教材,随时随地不离手的阅读书
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