首页 祝孩子生日快樂。從學吹蠟燭中享受樂趣





参数:5.90 M / iOS 5.1+  
开发: Tipitap Inc.


短评: Candles hold a strange fascination over young children. Toddlers love blowing out candles and singin...

Candles hold a strange fascination over young children. Toddlers love blowing out candles and singing happy birthday. They can never get enough.

WARNING .The blowing ONLY works AFTER the music is over. (Remember to blow hard and close to device mic.)

Now they can do it over and over until they are all out of breath—without risking any burns or sugar overloads.

In appreciation to our loyal app following, big and small, and to celebrate Tipitap's first anniversary in the appstore, we've created this FREE, fun little app to help toddlers practice blowing candles, learn to recognize their age in numbers (1, 2 or 3), have fun singing Happy Birthday and make a wish without playing with actual fire or making a mess with frosting!

There are three simple modes:
• I'm turning 1 with one candle
• I'm turning 2 with two candles
• I'm turning 3 with three candles.

You can listen to the happy birthday tune professionally played on the piano. We would have loved to include an artist singing the song, but in one of the strangest twists in the world of intellectual property: the lyrics of the Happy Birthday song are copyrighted!!!! (It gives you a sense of how wrong the system is.) No real harm, though. You can sing along to the music with your little one.

When the music stops ask your little one to blow and…magic! The candles go off.

So, Happy Birthday to all! May all your wishes come true.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Ipod Touch doesn't have a built in mic. You will be able to listen to the song and see the images, but for the candles to blow out you will need an external mic.

Fun learning, learning fun.

If you like this app, check out our in-app catalog and buy one of our other FUN and EDUCATIONAL apps. (Type Tipitap in the search box).

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Toddler Music Jukebox: Classic songs
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