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PocketJustice HD




参数:10.20 M / iOS 3.2+  
开发: OYEZ, Inc.


短评: PocketJustice HD is a portable collection of text and multimedia from the Oyez Project at Chicago-Kent, a multimedia resource on the ...

PocketJustice HD is a portable collection of text and multimedia from the Oyez Project at Chicago-Kent, a multimedia resource on the U.S. Supreme Court. This HD version is designed specifically for the iPad and contains all of the content found on PocketJustice FULL version. The FULL version covers the entire corpus of constitutional law decided by the Supreme Court that will be found in most con law casebooks used today in law schools and universities. This represents more than 600 case abstracts, and when available, oral arguments and opinion announcements.

For cases decided from October 1955 through 2010, the application provides access to Supreme Court audio, principally oral arguments with some oral announcements of opinions. As we continue to build the archive, your PJ HD app will automatically update any additions or changes in the case summaries, multimedia, location (GPS) information, and transcripts as we add these materials to the online version. In future releases, we will also provide access to all Supreme Court opinions, making PJ HD your one-stop resource for authoritative constitutional law resources.

PJ HD offers additional functionality by enabling users to create a personalized set of notes and highlights in the audio+transcript files. Users can also create clips of audio+transcripts and share them with others by means of a feature we call 'clipmail.' Every segment in the transcript+audio can serve as a separate clip; it is also possible to clip an entire speaker turn. Details on these features will be found in the accompanying FAQ.

And you can now share your notes and clips with your friends on Facebook and your contacts on Twitter!

Please send us your suggestions. We shall continue to improve PJ HD, so your feedback will be invaluable.  



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