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彥 无限创意




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短评: 《彦|inMAGAZINE》《inMAGAZINE》 — 华丽的生活方式,谁不向往?若能放开怀抱去感受,富裕人生并非遥不可及;只要懂得不断学习和分享,甜蜜生活垂手可得。《inMAGAZIN...

《inMAGAZINE》 — 华丽的生活方式,谁不向往?若能放开怀抱去感受,富裕人生并非遥不可及;只要懂得不断学习和分享,甜蜜生活垂手可得。《inMAGAZINE》国际版为读者探索各类不同的优质生活信息。翻阅《inMAGAZINE》,映入眼帘的将会是一条通往丰饶的道路,藉着具创意启发性的文章和极具冲击感的图像及设计,令读者感受非一般的优质生活体验。

《彦|inMAGAZINE》 — 对生活享受的追求无分地域,《彦|inMAGAZINE》中国版是《inMAGAZINE》为中国内地读者制作的简体版本,特别配以简体中文及英语,并加入了中国专题文章,使其更具中国文化特色,尤其适合喜欢阅读简体字的读者。



*支援iPad、iPhone 4及iPhone 3GS

Many of us aspire to lead an opulent lifestyle – a life filled with affluence and abundance. To most it seems that la dolce vita is unattainable, something that only a few will be able to live and experience. However, at inMAGAZINE we realised that we too can live an opulent life despite never becoming royalty or superrich. We have ventured into the past, explored the present and delved far into the future in search of the pinnacle of opulence, grandeur and luxury. So flip through our many inspiring and informative pages of inMAGAZINE and we’ll show you just how simple it is to live the sweet life.

The pursuit for a quality lifestyle has no geographical restrictions. 彥|inMAGAZINE China is the Simplified Chinese version of inMAGAZINE specially designed for readers in Mainland China. Written in both Simplified Chinese and English, 彥|inMAGAZINE includes feature articles with a focus on China, attracting readers favouring traditional Chinese culture and those who prefer reading Simplified Chinese.

Features include:
- Fascinating reading experience with 3D content
- Two instant modes of eBook: From 3D to 2D or vice versa
-The No. 1 bilingual modern luxury lifestyle magazine
- Both print and electronic versions provided
- Quality lifestyle magazine integrating innovation, inspiration and information

Opulence is everywhere – stemming from the country to the city, past to the present, and dreams to reality. Take a look around you, embrace your environment with open arms and you will realise you are already living a life of opulence, la dolce vita.

*Supports iPad, iPhone 4, and iPhone 3GS.



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