99 + 18, 99 + 26, 199 + 56, 199 + 124, 199 + 217... ..., can you tell me the answers within 5 second...
99 + 18, 99 + 26, 199 + 56, 199 + 124, 199 + 217... ..., can you tell me the answers within 5 seconds? Do you know there is a special way to calculate them? Try to find it out through this exciting shooting game. You can improve your speed and accuracy. Let's fight against the Ice Monster together!
99 + 18, 99 + 26, 199 + 56, 199 + 124, 199 + 217... ..., 你能在 5 秒內說出這些算式的答案嗎?運用一個特別的計算方法,便可以極速地得出答案。試試從這個有趣而刺激的射擊遊戲中找出來。100% 提升你的心算速度,齊來消滅冰山怪獸吧!
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