52-in-1 Algebra & Basic Math Calculator
52-in-1 Algebra & Basic Math Calculator
Note: All of the algebra and basic math solvers in this app are also in my 180-in-1 Math Calculator ...
Note: All of the algebra and basic math solvers in this app are also in my 180-in-1 Math Calculator app. Do NOT purchase 52-in-1 Algebra & Basic Math Calculator if you already own that app.
With this app, you get 52 solvers (actual calculators, not formulas) on topics in algebra (including analytic geometry and matrix algebra) and basic math.
- 52 solvers covering algebra and basic math
- Add a solver to your favorites with just one tap
- Edit and organize your favorites list from the “Favorites” tab
- See your most recently viewed solvers from the “Recents” tab
- Check out your most viewed solvers from the “Most Viewed” tab
- Request solvers or send comments in-app using the “Contact Us” tab.
Algebra (19 solvers):
1. Arithmetic Series (Sum)
2. Complex Numbers (Add)
3. Complex Numbers (Divide)
4. Complex Numbers (Exp to Rect)
5. Complex Numbers (Multiply)
6. Complex Numbers (Rect to Exp)
7. Complex Numbers (Subtract)
8. Compound Interest
9. Discriminant
10. Distance-Rate-Time
11. Geometric Series (Finite Sum)
12. Geometric Series (Infinite Sum)
13. Linear Equation (ax+b=cx+d)
14. Linear Inequality
15. Linear System (2x2)
16. Linear System (3x3)
17. Polynomial Series (Sum)
18. Quadratic Formula
19. Simple Interest
Analytic Geometry (11 solvers):
20. Distance Formula
21. Distance From Point To Line
22. Intersection of Two Equations
23. Linear Equation (Parallel at Point)
24. Linear Equation (Perpendicular at Point)
25. Linear Equation (Point+Slope)
26. Linear Equation (Two Points)
27. Midpoint Formula
28. Polar To Rectangular
29. Rectangular To Polar
30. Slope Formula
Basic Math (12 solvers):
31. Decimal To Fraction
32. Factors
33. Fibonacci Sequence
34. Fractions (Add)
35. Fractions (Compare)
36. Fractions (Divide)
37. Fractions (Multiply)
38. Fractions (Reduce)
39. Fractions (Subtract)
40. Greatest Common Factor
41. Least Common Multiple
42. Prime Factorization
43. Reduce Radical
Matrices (9 solvers):
44. Matrix Determinant (2x2)
45. Matrix Determinant (3x3)
46. Matrix Determinant (4x4)
47. Matrix Inverse (2x2)
48. Matrix Inverse (3x3)
49. Matrix Inverse (4x4)
50. Matrix Trace (2x2)
51. Matrix Trace (3x3)
52. Matrix Trace (4x4)
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