首页 Lil Painter - Creative coloring book

Lil Painter - Creative coloring book




参数:47.30 M / iOS 4.0+  
开发: Tapptil


短评: 一款着色游戏,在这里孩子可以充分的探索,多种涂料和背景供其选择,放飞孩子想象的翅膀!

Creative coloring book app aiming to promote aesthetic values for children and families. Explore gorgeous illustrations that are simple to paint and are meant to increase your imagination.

Watch demo video at: http://www.lilpainter.com (use the "Lil Painter Support" button to jump right to the video).

Kids will get the chance to explore and paint over a plenty of coloring pages, the resulting work of a prominent graphic artist. Original illustrations, designed in-house specifically for this app, are organized in two packs: one for girls and the other for boys, each illustration representing a unique dream, a character with strong abilities and moral values like fairies, pirates, ballerinas, sirens, swordsmen, dragons, unicorns, etc.
In addition you have the option to paint on an a blank page or textured background, over 25 textures to choose from.
It is also possible to save the final artwork into a personal gallery set or into the device's photo library.

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This app is ideal for ages 3 to 99+.

★ www.apps4kids.net → “Lil Painter’ smart way of organizing things makes your work look really great. The shading on the base adds cool volumes and the constrains on the painting areas helps producing awesome drawings. Certainly one of the best painting apps out there.” 

★ www.kids-apps.mobi → “Lil Painter is a illustrated coloring book for iPad that offers children a bit more freedom than other drawing apps out there.” 

Key features:

✽ a total of 20 original illustrations and 25 backgrounds to choose from
✽ engaging songs and sound effects
✽ five different painting tools: paint bucket, magic crayon, paint brush, spray, chalk
✽ two types of color pallets either for novice or advanced users
✽ enable shape mode or normal mode drawing
✽ enable erase on shake
✽ enable lights and shadows
✽ save the drawing on the personal gallery folder or on the device's photo library for later use  



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全部点评 ( 1 )

雪儿娃娃   2012-05-06 18:54:32来自网站
儿子非常喜欢这款会唱歌的画画软件,你也想来试一试吗      回应