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- What’s New in version 4.1:
1. Totally new designed user interface, sophisticated image effect will enjoy your eyes with film-like pictures. Added animation and funny interaction will refresh your reading experience.
2. Added Pinyin phonetic features for Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Cantonese,allowing you to make progress in language knowledge through extracurricular reading.
(Japanese phonetic notation will be provided in next release).
3. Added custom display feature of story text. You can drag the story text freely in screen according to your reading need,or hide it to better enjoy illustrations. The combination of pictures and stories makes your reading fascinating.
4. Added full-story reading mode in reading interface, allowing you to read full story in multiple languages in plain text mode.
5. Improved the recording mode with father, mother and child recording modes. Now you can have the exclusive audio books together with family.
6. Improved stories sharing feature. You can share the stories with friends via E-mail, Twitter, Facebook and Sina Weibo, etc. Also you can choose to join our mail list, to get notification the first time when our new apps are ready for sale or for promotion.
7. Improved the background technology. The end page has been updated, click on a story icon, if you have already installed this app, you can just start reading. You can also switch among different stories.
(This feature requires the support of our apps' latest V4.0.If you have not installed, the page will automatically switch to App Store for download.)
★ Available in English,Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Japanese.
★ Universal Apps,also with high-resolution illustrations to support iPhone 4
★ Buy once, and run on all your device!
Easy to use, especially for toddlers
★ Stories are illustrated with interesting pictures with brightly colored cartoon figures to help children develop an interest in reading.
★ Professional audio narration in English,Chinese,Japanese.
★ Sleeping Mode:Best bed-time stories also with soft background music
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