首页 Boto the Pink Dolphin for iPhone

Boto the Pink Dolphin for iPhone




参数:47.20 M / iOS 6.0+  
开发: Myung Yub Ma


短评: Boto the Pink Dolphin, an educational game app developed by experts to promote children's creativity...

Boto the Pink Dolphin, an educational game app developed by experts to promote children's creativity

■ What is Boto the Pink Dolphin?

① Boto the Pink Dolphin is a game-playing education program to enhance child's creativity and talents developed by child education experts.
This education app is designed to foster creativity and talents of children through a game playing consisting of attracting characters and stories based on the curriculum developed by the talented youth education center at the KIM Research Institute, an expert agency for child creativity and a child education expert at the Child and Family Studies Department in the Seoul National University.

② This app allows for enhancing reading capacity and foreign language competency with Eng-Kor subtitles and narrations.
Boto the Pink Dolphin includes a series of tales on the exciting expedition of Boto and friends with Boto as a main character inspired by a mysterious and smart pink dolphin actually habited in the Amazon River. In addition, subtitles in an eBook format and narrations by a native speaker will not only help children enhance their reading capacity and EQ, but also sharpen the foreign language competency.

③ Results of creativity assessment and children's achievements will be evaluated without charge by a creativity expert.
Boto the Pink Dolphin consists of total 6 stages. Each stage allows for developing different capability (intelligence and creativity) through the game playing and also provides parental guide to this end. When every stages end, children's achievements are provided. In particular, the last stage encourages children to do a creative drawing to help develop creativity including fluency, flexibility, sensitivity, elaborateness, and originality.

■ Main focus for each stage

① Parts and the whole: seek friends hidden under the sea
- Agility that can instantly respond to visual stimulus
- Memory and integrative capacity that can retrieve the whole object out of parts

② Puzzle: put broken cookie pieces together
- Spatial perception to identify shape and location of an object
- Organization capability to assemble parts into a single entity

③ Pattern: complete the road by matching the color of pebbles
- Logical reasoning and mathematical reasoning by understanding a repetitive pattern of basic unit

④ Memory: guess mysterious fruit right
- Concentration to identify an instantly exposed object
- Memory to retrieve past experience and information integration capacity

⑤ Instant reaction, prediction: cross the colorful bridge as fast as possible
- Visual attention, acuity, quickness
- Situation understanding and planning

⑥ Creative drawing: draw a creative picture diary of Boto
- Improved creativity (fluency, flexibility, originality, elaborateness, sensitivity) through a creative drawing that children restructure the story of Boto themselves and use various colors and figures  



由 黄梨 首次分享  2014-10-23 09:24:59
这是一款儿童教育游戏,图标上的粉红海豚还是挺萌的哈,专门为 5 岁以下的儿童设计,来锻炼孩子的眼脑能力还有色彩,逻辑,分析能力等等,所以家中有宝宝的朋友可以收下试试哟!软件上架首次限免中。


  • 12月16日


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